Celebrating Older Persons Sunday
Uniting Churches are being encouraged to recognise the human rights and dignity of older people on the first Sunday after the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons.
“This is the first time we have encouraged local churches to recognise the International Day of Older Persons,” said UnitingCare Australia National Director, Claerwen Little. “The International Day is a great opportunity to extend our aged care campaign in a way which connects with what local churches do every week – gather for worship and prayer.”
The United Nations established the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) in 1990 as a way to focus attention around the globe on the barriers to respect and dignity for older people caused by ageism. In 2021 the theme stresses digital equality for older people. Digital access has become a more important issue with the challenges of the COVID pandemic.
Ms Little said that given that this was the first Older Persons Sunday in the Uniting Church, UnitingCare Australia will be offering congregations a flexible range of worship resources and information. “Some churches might theme the entire service around the IDOP, others might include prayers of thanksgiving, or a thematic sermon.”
“3 October has been chosen as it is two days after the official United Nations Day, 1 October. We know church calendars can be very busy, so in some places the day may be recognised on another Sunday in October,” Ms Little said.
If you are interested in being a part Older Persons Sunday, or Uniting Friends of Ageing, please contact Warren Talbot at warrent@nat.unitingcare.org.au.
Resources from the United Nations on the IDOP, and the 2021 theme are available here.