Covenant and Preamble
A presentation from the 2024 UAICC National Conference on the Covenant and Preamble by Rev Dr Chris Budden.
Building partnerships
Building Partnerships is a guide to Covenant Renewal with First Nations Peoples throughout the UCA.
This study and action guide is a treasure trove of biblical, theological and practical steps to live out the covenant between the UCA and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. It is a great introduction to the history of the UAICC as well as biblical and theological foundations.
There is a great guide for leaders on page 7 that gives tips to how to use this book. Some of the stories happened a while ago. Some of the leaders named are no longer around. It is still a guide of great use to the UCA.
Developing a Covenant, Rickard and Budden, March 2006
In 2003 a group of leaders set out to develop a theological foundation for a renewed covenant following deep sadness that UAICC members express to the Assembly meeting. This work on a theological foundation is being offered to the Church for study and discussion. There are two theological documents:
- this study document; and
- a longer “Foundational Document” that explores some issues in greater depth.
Theological Foundations for a Covenant between the UAICC & UCA, Rickard and Budden, 2006
This looks at the theological foundations for the particular covenant that exists between the UAICC & UCA.
Walking Together Exploring the Covenant between First and Second Peoples a Study Guide, Assembly UCA, 2015
“We've had two hundred years of colonisation and Christendom that has come from other parts of the world. I've got to thinking, 'What was God doing with us as Aboriginal people before the white man came to Australia? What was happening? If God is God of creation, how did our Aboriginal people understand how their world came into being?" Rev Denise Champion, Yarta Wandatha, page 8.
These resources are designed to help you explore where we have come from as a nation and as a church, and how as First and Second Peoples we might walk together in the future. There are two group sessions, each with two accompanying video clips. Each session is designed last for approximately 60 minutes.
Covenanting Action Plans
The Assembly Covenant Action Plan (ACAP) was launched in NAIDOC Week 2021. This inaugural ACAP seeks to give ‘shape’ to the UCA’s binding covenant relationship for the national body of the Church, the Assembly. It gives direction to all business units of the Assembly in the formation of strategic and action plans for their boards and respective staff teams. It is a dynamic document, which will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is relevant, contemporary, and challenging.
Some Synods have launched Covenanting Actions Plans
Victoria/Tasmania has a Covenanting Guide 2021
NSW/ACT have a Walking together Action Plan launched in 2021
NSW/ACT Synod also has this great website for more ways to support First Peoples. They have also produced this helpful document:
A Guide for Aboriginal Community Engagement and Building Trust Relationships
WA Synod has A Guide to Congregations in Walking Together as First and Second Peoples
Queensland launched a CAP in 2019, for information about the latest version contact the Covenanting Officer Natalie Lewis.
Sovereignty and Treaty – a brief discussion guide, Budden, 2015
The Uniting Church Assembly meeting in July 2015 determined that a significant priority for its life during the next triennium is to explore with Congress what it would means for the practices of the Church to recognise and affirm that First Peoples are sovereign Peoples. (Minute 15.08a) Sovereignty is about honouring those who were here first and starting to negotiate a new way for us to occupy this land together. It raises many issues and questions, challenging assumptions and beliefs. Maybe if we can name what the issues are for us – what we are curious about, what we fear, what we want to know - we can have a more open conversation.
This short paper is an introduction to the concept of sovereignty and what it might mean for us as a church and nation to recognise First Nations sovereignty. It invites us to consider the history of colonisation and explores what First Nations sovereignty means for Christian faith. Written simply in short paragraphs with discussion questions after each section this paper would be an excellent for small group discussion or to help explore sovereignty over several weeks in worship.
The Challenge of Sovereignty, Budden, 2017, President’s National Conference Darwin NT
This short paper is an introduction to the concept of sovereignty and what it might mean for us as a church and nation to recognise First Nations sovereignty. It invites us to consider the history of colonisation and explores what First Nations sovereignty means for Christian faith. Written simply in short paragraphs with discussion questions after each section this paper would be an excellent for small group discussion or to help explore sovereignty over several weeks in worship.
Statement from the Heart
Statement from the Heart a Study Guide and Facilitators Companion, Vic-Tas Synod, 2020
This is a six week study for small groups to look at the Statement and reflect biblically.
Bible Studies
Synod of Queensland Bible Studies
The theme for the Qld Synod’s meeting in October 2020 was Grow based on the Ephesians 4:15-16, about every part of the body growing together into Christ. It was great to have the First Peoples’ perspective about growing into the body and their experiences of how they perceive their place in the body to be. This was both challenging and inspiring to have UAICC members to reflect on their own deeply personal experiences in their life in the church but also their hope for the future of the church as we all grow together as part of Christ’s body.
I pray that you might use their reflections and be challenged in your call to grow together into the body of Christ. Rev Andrew Gunton
16th Assembly meeting
These series of reflections on 1 Corinthians 13, John 1 and John 15 and Ephesians and the Assembly theme Dwelling in Love by leaders from Nungalinya College invite us to explore different types of dwelling from the perspective of First Nations Christians. This study will draw you into the wisdom of First Nations Christians through an introduction to the Yolŋu world view, creation, art, leading, acting and serving. It will give you ancient yet fresh insights into faith and discipleship. Use the guide to go deeper into the reflections. Rev Sharon Hollis
Online Meeting
Reconvened Meeting
Yarta Wandatha - Adnyamathanha stories with Aunty Rev Dr Denise Champion
Additional Resources
Nungalinya College
Facebook page and
Nungalinya College has been equipping Indigenous Christian leaders for over 40 years. The website has stories from Indigenous leaders, reflections from various Indigenous ministries as well as a shop for purchase of Indigenous art.
Sovereignty Papers President’s Nation Conference 2017
Stuart McMillan, Honouring First Peoples as Sovereign
Rev Dr Chris Budden, Sovereignty and Treaty