What’s the future of the UCA? Get ready for Act2.
Have you been a member of the UCA since it began in June 1977? Or have you been a member of the UCA your whole life? Maybe you’re a recent member, drawn to this movement of God after reading the Basis of Union or after speaking to someone who already goes to the local Uniting Church congregation.
Have you ever thought about what the future of the UCA might look like?
Yes we have some challenges – not enough ministers for congregations, not enough income to support a minister in a congregation, not enough openness to new forms of ministry or new congregations, understanding all the parts of the UCA including community services and schools and how we all fit together, structures we aren’t able to sustain – just to name a few.
We also have some strengths to tackle these challenges – our people (#allofthisisus), passionate engaged young leaders, willingness to work together, the Basis of Union, the generosity of past generations including property.
What would the future UCA look like for you?
- Vibrant, worshipping communities of faith, at home in their local communities, connected with UCA community services and schools, making a difference to the people they serve
- innovative expressions of who we are with God and God’s mission at our heart
- advocating for people who don’t have a voice; living as faithful disciples of a God who is present with us.
What do you think?
Tell us by taking the Act2 survey which closes 16 April, or send us an email to UCA.Act2@nat.uca.org.au