Survey for church leaders on ministry with children and families
What do church leaders say about ministry with children and families?
In 2021 a multi-nation survey of parents and children and families ministry leaders concluded that a revised approach to ministry with children and their families is needed.
According to the authors, such an approach “…must embody greater relational connection, rather than being primarily content or program-driven. Ultimately, there needs to be clearer communication, greater clarity and a stronger sense of purpose amongst all who are involved in children’s faith formation in order to best serve children in the seasons ahead."
In 2022 a call is going out to ministers, pastors and other leaders of UCA communities to participate in the next phase of this on-line research. Specifically, the views of leaders are being sought in relation to vision, strategy and ministry in relation to children and their families, irrespective of the number of children and families they currently engage with.
Our response as the UCA will not only contribute to the global picture, but may also assist in the shaping of future strategy for the Assembly, Synods, Presbyteries and Congregations. This is a strategic moment in the life of the church and the views of leaders will significantly complement the data that has already been gathered from families.
For a copy of the report based on the initial survey, click here.
To participate in the Survey, which is estimated to take 10-15 minutes to complete, click here.
For more information or to raise any questions contact Chris Barnett (Intergenerational Ministry - Children & Families in the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania):