Children and Families Ministry
These resources are compiled by Chris Barnett from the Intergenerational Ministry - Children & Families team at equipping Leadership for Mission (eLM) in the Synod of VIC/TAS. Thanks Chris for this valuable resource!
To receive these Updates directly via email each month, please e-mail Chris at
1. A Gospel for All Ages – Zoom Book Huddles (late Aug/Sep)
For those who preach (regularly or occasionally, including Ministers and Lay Preachers), those involved in worship leadership (regularly or occasionally) and those interested in influencing a more intergenerational approach to worship, these 3 x 1-hour Zoom Huddle sessions – taking place fortnightly – provide an opportunity to gather with peers to engage the theoretical and explore actual implementation of the A Gospel for All Ages: teaching and preaching with the whole church book for your own context.
To express your interest and indicate your availability click here (the more slots you indicate, the easier it will be to find a time that suits you). Any questions, e-mail
2. Ten Ways Resources (via CRCNA)
10 Ways to strengthen intergenerational worship (CRCNA)
10 Ways to become more intergenerational (CRCNA)
10 Ways to use building blocks of faith (CRCNA)
10 Ways to make your church a safer place (CRCNA)
10 Ways to talk to someone about their faith (CRCNA)
3. Children & Families Ministry Resources (via Michigan UMC)
Family faith playlists (MUMC)
Including children in worship (MUMC)
Resources for on-line ministry (MUMC)
Trauma resources for ministry with families (MUMC)
Nuts and bolts of ministry with children and their families (MUMC)
4. Safe Church Sunday (Sep 4) Resources
A Prayer (UCA)
A Video message (UCA)
A Colouring-in sheet (UCA)
A PPT for use in worship (UCA)
A National child-safe principles ppt (UCA)
5. Interesting Posts (via Pulse)
Playgroup resources (Pulse)
Lots of small solutions (Pulse)
It’s all about relationships (Pulse)
Growing young multi-culturally (Pulse)
Growing and developing discipleship (Pulse)
6. Mission & Innovation (via UCA)
The church at mission: youtube (Sunny Chen)
NEW Language resource hubs (UCA)
NEW Stories of innovation hub (UCA)
Shaping the future of faith communities: youtube (Philip Hughes)
What Australians really think about Jesus and the Church: presentation (NCLS)
7. Books from Andrew Root
The End of Youth Ministry?: book (Andrew Root)
Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker: book (Andrew Root)
The Church After Innovation: book (Andrew Root)
Churches and the Crisis of Decline: book (Andrew Root)
Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs and Zombies: book (Andrew Root)
8. Extra Events to Consider
29/07 FREE On-line Training: Starting a Christian Playgroup (CPN)
03/08 FREE On-line Event: Inspiring & Encouraging Stories of Playgroup (CPN)
04,05/08 Cultural, Hearing, Asking, Telling Workshop (SU)
06/08 FREE On-line Worship Leader Training Day (UCA, Port Phillip East Presbytery)
Aug/Sep FREE On-line Leaders to Go Book Groups