Celebrating the ministry of Rev Prof Andrew Dutney
Uniting Church in Australia President has paid tribute to Rev Prof Andrew Dutney on his resignation as Executive Officer and Principal with Uniting College for Leadership and Theology in the Synod of South Australia.
"I give thanks for the enormous contribution Andrew has made to the Uniting Church nationally. As a church we are grateful for his wise and creative leadership as the 13th President."
"Andrew is particularly remembered for his advocacy for Palestine, his commitment to the UCA covenant with First Peoples, particularly through A Destiny Together and his census of the Uniting Church which gave us a more accurate picture of ourselves as a basis for ministry and mission."
"Andrew has also written and taught extensively on the history and theology of the Basis of Union. Through his teaching and writing he has helped many people fall in love with the Church, the Basis of Union, and the story of our formation."
"I wish Andrew and Heather well as they move into a new phase of life. May this transition be full of wonder, joy and hope."
Read the press release and tribute from the Synod of South Australia here