Stuart McMillan
Assembly Consultant Covenanting
Stuart is the Assembly Consultant Covenanting, a role created in 2018 to provide advice, support and leadership in honouring the UCA's Covenant with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC).
In 1982, Stuart moved from Sydney to Darwin to take up a call with the Northern Synod as an Accountant working with Arnhemland and other First Peoples’ Communities.
Stuart has held a variety of ministries in the Northern Synod and associated organisations: Accountant, Operations Manager, Marketing and Wholesale Manager, General Manager for the Arnhem Land Progress Association (ALPA), Community Worker (Aboriginal Resource and Development Services) and Administration Manager with the Northern Regional Council of Congress, Pastor Living Water UC Congregation, and Moderator (5 years). In the Assembly, Stuart has served as President-elect (2012-2015) and President (2015-2018).
For 12 years, Stuart served under Rev. Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM during an important period of Australia’s history for First Nations Peoples with the High Court’s decision overturning the legal lie of Terra Nullius and through the Wik Case established Native Title.