ASC Update November 2022
December 7, 2022
The Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) met in person in Melbourne, 11-13 November 2022.
Assembly Associate General Secretary
The ASC was delighted to approve the appointment of Rev Lindsay Cullen as the Assembly Associate General Secretary. Lindsay began his role on 5 December and will be inducted into his new ministry on Friday 9 December at Pitt Street Uniting Church.
UnitingWorld Board Chair
ASC approved the appointment of Steve Bevis as the new Chair of the UnitingWorld Board and is looking forward to the gifts and skills that Steve will bring to UnitingWorld and its important work as an Assembly agency.
Task Groups Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the A Call to Action for Climate Justice and the Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Change Efforts (SOGICE) Task Groups were approved by the ASC, so that the 16th Assembly resolutions with respect to these two areas can be actioned. Membership of these Task Groups is now being considered.
- World Council of Churches General Assembly - The President, General Secretary and Interim Chair UAICC provided a report to the ASC on their attendance at the WCC General Assembly in Karlsruhe in Germany. You can read the report here.
- Global Christian ForumAssembly National Consultant - Rev Dr Apwee Ting provided a report on his participation in the Global Christian Forum, Asian Regional Consultation, “Faithfulness in a Multi-Faith Context” in Korea. This meeting provided the opportunity for theological conversations and encounters in a space of welcome and mutual friendship. He also connected with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea and the Presbyterian Church of Korea. The Uniting Church is a member of the Global Christian Forum.
- Lutheran Church in Australia – Uniting Church in Australia Dialogue - The Dialogue provided a report to the ASC, including an update on the document “At the Table: The Eucharist” which has been the main work of the dialogue. The ASC received and adopted the document as an agreed statement.
Assembly Climate Action Plan Annual Report
The Assembly is committed to a target of net zero emissions by no later than 2040. In order to achieve this, all of the Assembly works to reduce its footprint on the planet through enacting the Assembly Climate Action Plan, which operates under three areas – Prophetic, Practical and Pastoral. The Assembly reports on progress to the ASC annually in November to ensure accountability in this important commitment and work.
Regulations Review Task Group
Following resolutions from the 16th Assembly, the Regulations Review Task Group reported on its work and consultations in reviewing Part 5 of the Regulations – Church Discipline. The 16th Assembly delegated authority to the ASC to make changes to the Regulations in this regard.