ASC Update August 2021
Picture: The August 2021 online ASC meeting
The new Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) met together for the first time via video-conference on 27-29 August 2021. President, Rev Sharon Hollis, welcomed members to the first meeting, and presented a report on her first weeks as President. Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) Interim National Chair, Mark Kickett reported on the work of UAICC National Executive and
UAICC throughout the Uniting Church.
ASC members were oriented to the work of the Assembly in a session with Assembly National
Membership of Assembly Bodies
Membership of Assembly Agency Boards (UnitingCare Australia, Frontier Services and Uniting World),
Committees (Assembly Finance Audit and Risk Committee, Assembly Investment Advisory Committee,
Assembly Legal Reference Committee, Church Polity Reference Committee, Standards for Ministries Committee, Defence Force Chaplaincy Committee, Management Committee of the National Disaster Fund, Policy Committee for the Beneficiary Fund Plan within the Mercer Super Trust), Circles of Interest Panels and ecumenical Dialogues (Lutheran Church of Australia – Uniting Church Dialogue; Executive Council of Australian Jewry – Uniting Church Dialogue) were appointed for the coming triennium.
The ASC was updated on Act2 consultation to date, and planned consultation for the rest of 2021, including a National Presbytery Ministers Online Consultation, a series of studies on the Basis of Union, and feedback from initial consultation. Information on opportunities to participate in Act2 activities will be shared in coming weeks and in National Update.
Finance and Risk
The ASC approved the Assembly budget for the 2022 financial year. They were oriented to both the Assembly’s financial accounts and risk management documents.
Assembly Investment Policy
The ASC considered an updated Assembly Investment Policy, and also agreed to include an information session on investment in a future meeting.
ASC Co-options
The ASC can co-opt up to four additional members. A skills matrix for current members was considered, and it was agreed to co-opt Mr Stuart Woodward, Chair of the Assembly Finance Audit and Risk Committee for the triennium.
Disability Royal Commission National Task Group
The ASC was updated on the work of the National Task Group, including the work of the Disability Royal Commission and progress on establishing an Advisory Group of people with disabilities to the National Task Group to advise on future submissions to the Royal Commission.
The ASC began reading In His Own Strange Way: A Post-Christendom sort-of Commentary on the Basis of Union by Geoff Thompson and will continue to discuss this book in coming meetings.