Anzac Day 2022
Uniting Church Defence Force chaplains have recorded a reflection and prayer for UCA members and communities to mark ANZAC Day this coming Sunday, ahead of national commemorations on Monday 25 April.
The short video resource can be used flexibly, in part or whole, and in gathered or personal worship or online. You can watch below or download it directly.
It includes a reflection from Rev John Dansie, Regional Support Chaplain Lavarack Barracks, alongside a prayer from Rev Robyn Kidd, Chaplain 26 SQN (City of Newcastle Squadron) RAAF Williamtown. The text of this prayer is below.
Speaking from major Australian Army base Lavarack Barracks in Townsville, Rev Dansie said that although ANZAC Day is increasingly a civil observance, the church still has an important role to play in its commemoration.
“We can still remember the sacrifice of our forefathers and foremothers and we can still lament the horrors of war. But we should also tell of the hope that we have as Christians that one day we will be able to live in peace with each other.”
“If you choose to commemorate ANZAC Day in some way this year, as well as honouring and remembering the sacrifice of those who have died in war, can I challenge you to be a people of hope and a people who work for peace.”
In the Uniting Church, there are 40 chaplains serving across the navy, army and air force, with about half of these full-time.
In marking ANZAC Day, Uniting Church members and communities are encouraged to pray for the ministry, service and spiritual leadership of Defence Force chaplains, and for Defence Force members, veterans and their families.
Lord God,
help us to remember the sacrifice of the first ANZACs,
the generations of men, women and children who have died in the cause of peace.
Help us to remember those who bear the scars of their service, physical, mental and spiritual.
Help us to remember those who had to say goodbye: widows and widowers, girlfriends and boyfriends,
parents and orphans, sisters and brothers, and all who anxiously waited with no reply.
Save us from ever glorifying war and its horrors and tragedies.
As the sun rises on this day, Lord, help us to remember.
We pray this in Jesus’ name.
Those preparing for ANZAC Day commemorations might like to refer to the ANZAC Day worship resource produced by Rev Sue Page and Rev Matthew Stuart for the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli in 2014.
The Resource includes a variety of calls to worship, prayers of invocation, confession, thanks and remembrance and a lot of other useful information.