Act2 National Online Prayer Gathering
The Act2 Project team with Assembly leaders will host a national time of prayer on 30 November to close the Collective Discernment phase
October 29, 2023
On Thursday 30 November, the Act2 Project team along with Assembly leaders will be hosting a national online prayer gathering to give thanks to God and pray for the leading of the Spirit as the Act2 Project closes one phase and moves into another.
"We’ll give thanks for the faithful discernment of the Uniting Church over the past five months. We’ll pray for openness to God’s call as we turn more concretely to the path ahead."
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Since the release of a major report in June this year, Act2: In Response to God's Call, the Project has been in the Collective Discernment phase.
The Project team have travelled around the country gathering responses to the possible future steps put forward in the report. People have been engaging with and exploring the report, affirming and challenging its claims. Theologians from across the Church have been reflecting deeply on our theological culture and identity and God’s call on our life. People from across the country have brought energy and insights to five National Forums and twelve Focus Groups for local leaders.
On 30 November, this phase of intensive discernment phase will close. From 1 December, the Act2 Project will move into its third and final phase, Recommendations for Action, when we will bring together the insight and wisdom drawn from the discernment and consider the proposals to come before the 17th Assembly in July 2024.
As we cross this threshold in the process, we'll gather in real time to pray for each other, our life together and our future. We’ll give thanks for the faithful discernment of the Uniting Church over the past five months and the Spirit’s unending presence with us. We’ll pray for openness to God’s call as we turn more concretely to the path ahead.
The national online prayer gathering is open to all across the Uniting Church.
Join us on Zoom on Thursday 30 November, 8pm AEDT (7:30pm ACDT, 6:30pm ACST, 5pm AWST).