A Prayer in the Spirit of the Lunar New Year
February 2, 2022
Written by Rev Ji Zhang
Assembly Theologian In Residence
Loving God
We give thanks for the changing season,
the spirit of Chinese New Year.
We pray for resetting our bodily clock
brushing away the dust of the past
and welcoming a new future.
O gracious God,
send your spirit of renewal to all people
in this ancient Land.
Living Christ
In your ministry on Earth, you care for the people
by healing people of all ages
in different physical and spiritual conditions.
We pray for your presence now among all people.
Come, O Christ
send your loving touch upon the people
in this COVID pandemic,
move your healing among the sick
through the care of doctors and nurses
restore the spirit in our healthcare network.
Life-changing Spirit,
where you are present, there is life.
We pray for your guidance
in the work of those who seek for a cure,
make their research conquer COVID
within the mystery of human body.
Come, O the Spirit
protect the elderly in our aged care facilities,
give relief to the overworked staff,
send peace to the families,
renew the Uniting Church’s ministry in social service,
restore the fullness of life by strengthening our communities.
May the mercy and grace of God
be upon this Earth.
We pray for relief and restoration
after the Tongan volcano eruption.
We pray for the peace throughout the Tongan communities
open the hearts and inspire generosity in Australia,
send our support to Tonga’s journey of restoration.
In the New Year of the Tiger,
we pray for courage and protection.
We also pray for our resilience
to hope for personal renewal
to care for those seeking safety
to heal those in sadness and illness
to journey with those longing for change
to love those needing kindness and hope.
We pray all these things,
in the name of Christ Jesus
and in hope for your coming Kingdom.