2020-2021 Lectionary is available for free download
The UCA Lectionary leaflet for 2020-2021, which has been available for sale from MediaCom for the past couple of months, is now available for free download from the uniting.church website. Each year the UCA puts out a leaflet with a listing of the Lectionary readings for the coming Church Year, along with information about relevant books, online resources, podcasts and publications which may be useful for those preaching from the Lectionary.
For the past three years, Rev Lindsay Cullen, National Consultant with the Assembly Resourcing Unit has edited the lectionary leaflet. “When I was in congregational and presbytery roles, preaching from week to week, the lectionary was such a helpful tool. It helped to ensure that I was covering the breadth of Scripture over the three year cycle, rather than being tempted to stick with my own favourite themes or passages. And when I was in a Presbytery role, I could visit congregations from week to week knowing that what I preached would be a continuation of what they had been hearing, rather than something ‘out of the blue’!”
Lindsay also highly recommended the wealth of lectionary based material available online, including a number of sources listed on the UCA leaflet. “These days I’m finding that increasingly I turn to great lectionary podcasts. Also, ‘With Love to the World’, a helpful lectionary based devotional publication which I regularly use and sometimes contribute to, has now made a convenient app available for Apple or Android devices.”
Download the Lectionary leaflet now by clicking on the picture below and enjoy preaching and worship leadership in the ‘Year of Mark’!