16th Assembly Elections and Appointments
Extension of the Assembly General Secretary
The 16th Assembly resolved to extend the appointment of Colleen Geyer as the Assembly General Secretary.
In making the announcement, President Rev Sharon Hollis spoke warmly of Colleen’s ministry to the Assembly and her gracious and wise leadership.
Colleen responded: “The past five and a half years have been full. Full of challenge, full of opportunity, full of joy. I look forward to this continuing. I love working alongside the amazing staff of the Assembly - they make a difference every day, giving all their gifts, enthusiasm and commitment to the work they do.
“I will endeavour to continue to give my best to the role of Assembly General Secretary, to be faithful to God and to dwell in the love of a God who saved me and continues to save and walk with me every day.”
Interim National Chair of the UAICC of the Mark Kickett congratulated Colleen on behalf of Congress.
“Colleen, a wonderful result and congratulations. We are excited about the relationship we have and the commitment you bring to your role, and also for strength of support that you continue to share with myself and with Congress nationally. We really look forward to the journey with you, and we know that our Lord and Saviour will be central to all we do.”
The President prayed for Colleen in her ongoing ministry.
Assembly Standing Committee
Members of the Assembly Standing Committee were also elected to serve for the next three years.
The successful candidates were:
Alison Overeem, Anna Wilson, Catherine Pepper, David Busch, David Fotheringham, Geoff Thompson, James Aaron, Kerry Wilson, Lilliani Tahaafe-Williams, Linda Driver, Michael Dobson, Nicole Mugford, Philip Gardner, Raul Sugunananthan, Richard La'Brooy, Roberta Stanley, Sandy Boyce, and Yuko Tonai-Moore.
The elected membership of the Standing Committee is drawn from across the country and represents cultural and generational diversity.
Circle Advocates
An Advocate was appointed to each of the seven Assembly Circles of Interest, whose role is to nurture and encourage activity, conversation and input from circle members.
Being A Multi-Cultural Church Circle Advocate – Rev Dr Matagi Jessop Vilitama
Discipling the Next Generation Circle Advocate – Ms Virginia Lavaki
Growing in Faith Circle Advocate – Rev Liam Miller
Seeking Common Ground Circle Advocate – Rev Dr Matthew Wilson
Transforming Worship Circle Advocate – Rev Alexandra Sangster
Working for Justice Circle Advocate – Rev Loni Vaitohi
Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circle Advocate – Ms Alison Overeem
The following people were also appointed as Chairpersons of Assembly Agency Boards and National Committees.
UnitingCare Australia Chairperson – Mr Geoff Batkin AM
UnitingWorld Chairperson – Ms Lin Hatfield Dodds
Frontier Services Chairperson – Ms Lisa Sampson
Defence Force Chaplaincy Chairperson – Rev Charles Vesely
Assembly Legal Reference Committee Chairperson – Mr Warwick van Ede
Church Polity Reference Committee Chairperson – Rev Dr Chris Budden
Standards for Ministries Working Group Chairperson – Rev Dr Rob McFarlane
The final closing worship of the 16th Assembly meeting included a commissioning for the all those elected or appointed at this online Assembly meeting.
In the prayer led by President Rev Hollis, those being commissioned were invited to cross their arms across their chest and all others to extend their arms out in a gesture of blessing.