Prayers for Devonport
In the wake of the Hillcrest Primary School school tragedy in Devonport, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Moderator Rev Denise Liersch offered the thoughts and prayers of Uniting Church members for the city’s children, families, friends and community.
“The Church is deeply immersed in the life of the community," said Rev Liersch.
"We are all part of the one community, and we feel deeply with families and our local communities in our shared grief for the loss of such precious children in this tragedy."
UCA President Rev Sharon Hollis also extended her thoughts and prayers to the community and to all impacted by the tragedy.
"In the face of the tragic death of 6 children, so close to Christmas there are almost no words," said Rev Hollis.
"We weep, we lament, we are angry and sad and questioning. Our own sorrow and grief comes closer to the surface. We look to God to companion us through this sorrow."
"We also pray in solidarity with those most affected: the families and friends of those who died, their classmates and the community of Devonport and we tend our own sorrow with kindness."
Alison Overeem, Leprena UAICC Tasmania Manager, shared the following reflection:
Mother Earth,
Watch over the hearts, souls and spirits of all involved in the grief, loss and trauma in the north of our little island home of Lutrawita.
May our hearts give openly to care for
May our hearts give openly to be with
May our hearts be openMay our hearts impacted by the unimaginable recent heartbreak, remain open to love, care and share with the families and communities impacted on the north west, but indeed across this Island
May our hearts continue to sit with these families and children and communities - and may we form not just a circle of love and support - but an island of love and support
Bless you Tasmania
You are so full of compassion, love and careRest well beautiful souls
Fly with grace and the love of an island takarilya (family)